

Strategic modeling and reasoning have its roots in the field of software engineering with the use of “goals” as the core abstraction for capturing stakeholders’ requirements for a target software system. Quantitative and qualitative reasoning techniques have been developed to assess the level of satisfaction of goals depending on alternative designs of the software architecture or to recommend particular software architecture designs. 

The successful application of goal models in software engineering inspired the incorporation of goals and strategic-related notions in a number of enterprise architectures frameworks, such as ArchiMate, BIM, SIENA, etc. Similarly to software engineering, enterprise architectures explore the interplay between enterprise architecture designs and business goals by either generating a target enterprise architecture from enterprise goals and strategy or by aligning an already existing enterprise architecture. More specifically, decision makers usually consider different dimensions to promote a successful alignment between the enterprise architecture and their driving strategies. First, which processes need to be executed and which enterprise resources need to be used to realize a particular strategy and business goals. Second, which regulations and legislative requirements constrain the process execution towards achieving enterprise goals. Finally, which performance requirements impose certain demands on the process execution in order to deliver successful strategies. In terms of strategic reasoning in enterprise architectures, there is a scarcity of techniques for reasoning with the interplay between enterprise goals and business processes and the very few existent techniques refrain from using the data stemmed from process executions.

Process mining is an increasing popular area both in industry and academia that combines model-based and data-oriented techniques to obtain insights from the execution of business processes using event logs. By means of process mining, decision makers can discover process models from event logs, compare the process models with the executed behaviour in order to evaluate the reality against the model and enrich process models with information acquired from their execution. 

Despite the natural synergy between strategic reasoning and process mining, both fields evolved separately with their own methods, techniques, methodologies and algorithms, as evidenced by a systematic literature survey in the area [1]. 

Workshop Goal and Intended Audience

This workshop encourages position and technical papers focusing on the interplay between goals, processes and/or their execution data. It is targeted for researches working in the areas of process mining and strategic modeling as well as industry partners (e.g. software engineers, enterprise architects, data analysts, so on) interested in the development of applications and techniques.

Expected Results

All participants will access all the published papers before the workshop, so that everybody can be aware of the researched conducted by the other participants. The workshop will consist of a keynote speaker, paper presentations and brainstorming session. The workshop papers will be later published in a second volume of the EDOC 2019 conference proceedings. 

[1] Mahdi Ghasemi, Daniel Amyot. From Event Logs to Goals: A Systematic Literature Review of Goal-Oriented Process Mining. Requirements Engineering Journal (REJ), January 2019.